Romys Historie
Romy war eine alte und kranke Hündin, die uns im November 2005 aus einer privat geführten "Auffangstation" gemeldet wurde. Wir haben sie sofort übernommen und in einer Tierklinik vorgestellt: Sie war voller Tumore und hatte nicht mehr viel Zeit. Ein Mitglied des DRH-Teams nahm sie in liebevolle Pflege, wo sie noch einmal kurz aufblühte. Doch im Dezember ging sie den Weg, den sie schon vorher gehen wollte. Romy war jedoch so fair, den Menschen in ihren letzten Wochen zu zeigen, daß sie ihnen verziehen hatte. Sie starb in den Armen ihrer Pflegemutter, die uns diesen Brief über Romy geschrieben hat:
"... I am in pieces. Romy was my 2nd foster dog who did not want to move from us, rather went over the Rainbow Bridge. One cannot get used to this.The other day I was watching that this old dog played like a frivol young girl and called the big Boldiszar to play. And the follwoing day she could not climb out of her house. I gave my coat on her and covered her head with a kerchief because she was hitting her head to the floor as she was trembling. And I told her yesterday night that she should decide what she wants, I am here for her and if she wants to live she should fight. And she fought. Lili spent a part of the night with her, I spent 15 minutes with her in every hour.In the morning it seemed we have a chance but by the afternoon I was sure thet there is big trouble. The otherwise incontinent dog did not pee, her rear legs became swollen and she was crying constantly. She could not stand up unless I held her.I helped her out in the garden before we left for the vet. She could not hold her weight though she was fighting desperately. She was looking at me and did her best to stand on her legs, I think she did not want to disappoint me. She kept on barking while we were waiting at the clinic but she was not able to stand up. Her body was cold even when sitting in the 24C car. She cuddled to me while on the examination counter and she calmed down. She fell into sleep while I was rubbing her ears and I allowed myself to cry only later in order not to disappoint her.She was a noble dog. I hope she arrived to the place where she wanted to go to..."